As Coco Chanel might once have said "Accessorise, accessorise, accessorise, and when you think you've done enough accessorising, accessorise some more. I suggest to go for the Joan Collins St.Tropez look i.e. leopard print sarong, high heeled wedges with diamond detail, and make sure you are wearing full make-up underneath that welders mask, cause you never know he could be "The One" If it's a blind date and he turns out to be pig ugly (they usually are on blind dates)and he won't take "NO!" for an answer, then set fire to his face with a blowtorch.
now we're fucking talking.
those are all so ace.
get any one of them and we can trick the shit out of it.
As Coco Chanel might once have said "Accessorise, accessorise, accessorise, and when you think you've done enough accessorising, accessorise some more. I suggest to go for the Joan Collins St.Tropez look i.e. leopard print sarong, high heeled wedges with diamond detail, and make sure you are wearing full make-up underneath that welders mask, cause you never know he could be "The One" If it's a blind date and he turns out to be pig ugly (they usually are on blind dates)and he won't take "NO!" for an answer, then set fire to his face with a blowtorch.
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