Friday, January 1, 2010


A lot of Gays couple up with someone not just complimentary to their appearance, but someone identical. Like the couple strolling across 23rd street towards 8th avenue today, pictured above. A lot of Gay people criticize this saying that it's so narcissistic to have someone just like you as a lover, but it does make some sense... I guess. Look, I'm not judging anything that keeps people together longer than a first date. It's sort of surreal actually. What is weird is when someone finds someone that looks just like them but a smaller version. A mini me. That's sort of creepy. Personally I'm not looking for another Reavis Eitel and if there is one may nature strike one of us down with a bolt of lightening the second we meet because none of you deserve the madness of that team.


normadesmond said...

i certainly never wanted to fuck myself.

Reavis Eitel said...

Norma Desmond: The Blog. Please. The people need this Ms.Desmond and they can finally read your fantastic manuscript! It's brilliant of course: YOU wrote it.

normadesmond said...

if you're talking to me, i don't know what you're talking about...sorry.

Reavis Eitel said...

I'm sorry Ms.Desmond.

Reavis Eitel said...

normadesmond said...

now i get it! thanks for clearing it up.

The Corsair said...

Imagine the mayhem of TWO Reavis Eitels!

Reavis Eitel said...

As my mother said laughing and patting my arm "Once around is enough Reavis, once around." !