Friday, April 3, 2009


Fuckit. I can't weight lift everyday and be a vegetarian. I'm not going to scurry around with a bag full of nuts and raisins. Vegetarian restaurants have small expensive precious portions and I need to eat for 3. I'm not going out to have a steak right now but I did have salmon and broccoli. This isn't my lifetime to cease harm towards all sentient beings and become a skinny bhikkhu. I have enough lifetimes ahead of me to do that and I don't think I was built for it in this one.


mherzog said...

Hmmm, interesting. Check out this video:

Reavis Eitel said...

NOOOOOOOOOO it's horrible! I've seen all the vids and even as a vegetarian I thought rampant flasher like shock links were tacky.

Peta has also had a history of violence (throwing fake blood oon people totally violent) and extremest advertising ploys and I don't now that that is the way.

But back to my carcass devouring: I'm talking about a small amount of free range on a salad.

I am in opposition to how we get the meat.


I'm not ready to stop eating it entirely .