Thursday, September 11, 2008


Ayumi (pictured above), random shop girl and part time barber at Patricia Field boutique, punched my best friend in the nose outside of Midway bar on avenue B (the old Save The Robots) a couple of years ago in a drunken rage. My friend was trying to break up a fight (in heels mind you) between Ayumi's bad news boyfriend and someone else when all of a sudden notoriously dangerous nut job Ayumi flew at her. My friend pushed her off into the gutter, but Ayumi flew back and popped her in the nose. Blood everywhere. The police witnessed the altercation and asked my friend if she wanted to press charges. My friend declined as she thinks that once you get embroiled in legal disputes, you never get out, leaving yourself open to to others disputes. Nevertheless. the police made Ayumi do community service picking up garbage and turd around the city. My friend has since had to have two corrective nasal procedures and still contains herself and acts like a lady when at events where she is just a few feet away from the spaz. Ayumi was sitting in front of us the other night and stood up to beckon to her friend with her (once bloody) hand and HELL YEAH I took a picture of her right in her face. Don't be messing with my girls, bytch! R

Ayumi has a history of violent accomplishments: She apparently once went to open the store some early morning completely naked and threw all of the merchandise out on the street. Additionally, she was once arguing with her boss and snatched her bosses sandwich and threw it at her! She still has her job to this day. Stop by and ask her all about it! :->


Anonymous said...

violent accomplishments ha

Mitzi said...

She's a savage! I think I could like her.

Anonymous said...

this creature is pollution obviously.
from toshiko and the sundance kid