Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I wanted to ralph when 'The Beckhams' were shoved down my throat in July of 2007 and almost a year later comes this: "Tori and Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood" on Oxygen. I generally don't keep up with current pop culture and I actually make every effort to keep uninformed and out of touch (have never even touched the cover of an 'in touch' magazine). However, posters of this new series are all over the city, even on the ceiling of some public transport. It's a larger image where you can see that they stuffed their child into checkerboard vans while standing on the red carpet with a rhinestone swish flashing in front of them with the show title, but this is the only copy of the poster I could find online. I don't want to be a hater, but since I have no designs on ever going to Hollywood I'm just going to say that I always thought Tori looked like a white doodie and I keep looking at dean's face and think that there is a face plate from under his eyes to his mouth holding back an alien or worms or both. Actually I'm pretty sure that Tori's an alien also, without the cover shell. People will like the show because they have rotten taste in dramatic entertainment or great taste in comedy. Anyone who thinks this whole thing is not scary is just trying to further their own social agenda, let's face it. Sorry to knock the poor child, but they should keep it out of the media anyway. R

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