Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The count on me is near 14. The mosquito's in Manhattan are like any of the real bloodsuckers on the island: snobs - and they took a heaping helpful of my favorite organ, my skin (it's an organ). My friend who was with me is in unstable condition. I don't want to be gross, but the insects must have mutated because we... it's really gross. I have never seen anything of this proportion before. You have no idea. We must have sat on a nest. I can't believe i said that - the word nest is so so SO repulsive if it is not a birds nest. Chryssie must be the lumpiest rock and roller ever, and there's a lot of competition in that department.


Mitzi said...

My mother found a nest of baby mice in the shed the other day all pink and bare. I can't abide mozzies evil blood sucking fuckers.

Reavis did you look me up on facebook I received an email this morning with friends request thingy. No offence,I deleted the profile, I just couldn't get into it.

ayeM8y said...

I so want to delete mine too. I think I will. Thanks Mitzi.

Reavis Eitel said...

no... HEY yr deleting yr profile cause yr mortified at my request? no... wait i'm getting it wrong. mittx, we're already friends on facebooger: that's where i got the shot of you w yr head between yr legs lol!
Mitzi Mackintosh, no?
don't ..... u deleted yr profile? wtf?
fkdup mitzi.

u 2 AHEMbi8! what's yrs on facebook?

i love that site - can't stop. nutzo

whixh rhymes with XO


Reavis Eitel said...

drunknstuff, solly! XO

Mitzi said...

I'm sorry to disappoint you Reavis but that is not me, she's australian and has one Hell of a nose on her!

ayeM8y said...

Yay it's Friday morning...let the booze soaked haziness begin and not end until Thursday there about.

I'll be in the gutter outside the "Cackling Whore" should a live one need a trip around the world$$$

Too late Reavis it's deleted. That's my new favorite thing, to delete. I'm deleting all sorts of things today.

Thanks again Mitzi...I feel liberated.

Reavis Eitel said...

Oh NOOO I'm SO lost! I'm so sorry - I have no frame of reference I don't know what you look like. So weir, puts my commenting with her in perspective...

Ahem8bi i know well the desire to delete.