Wednesday, July 1, 2009


There are a lot of judges on television.

There are a lot of judges reading this blog.

There are people who read everything I write regularly and when they meet me in person they then decide to share all their personal judgments about me and my personality. It's charming!

When I'm looking and feeling my best, every now and then a certain type of person who is really attracted to me will get close to me so he can share his judgments of me. People love to dismember beauty.

Beware of glossy eyed people that don't blink or move their eyes or face and just nod at you. They are judging you. The same goes for people who find humor in trivial faults of yours during conversation. It's a cheap move. The judge has an admiration for a certain kind of meanness. The judge doesn't follow The Law.

1 comment:

The Corsair said...

I judge you to be brilliant.