I am getting closer to being done with the hideous medical treatment. Needles... I mean needlesS to say I don't have a date this Friday night sitting around making diagrams like the one above. Child, lately I can't give it away! A lonely old museum guard at the Metropolitan did tell me I had pretty eyes at the Beyond Babylon exhibit yesterday.
These new life size wooden cutouts of the Texan Hill family are totally bizarre to see on the Lower East Side. It's a huge display with a real wooden fence installed and even a nice astro turf trim at the bottom. Maybe because it's Houston street. Are the Hills from Houston, Texas? You do know that we pronounce Houston St. differently than Houston Texas? Is it political art? I can't imagine Fox would advertise like this. Today Hank was missing - somebody got him. I'm considering going by there and snagging Peggy tonight before someone else does.
Nobody wants Bobby. I think this orphaned image will endure for a while.
OH NO THEY DIDN'T! I was coming home with groceries tonight and saw this! They weren't skilled enough to remove it and/or were just vandals because there was no reason to crack his wooden arms off to get the thing off. I think someone peeled the face off as a last desperate attempt, I don't know. I had nothing to do with this. RIP Bobby.
Oh my god you did it. My friend once walked into KFC and ordered a meal then took the portrait of the Colonel off the wall and walked out.
Good show old man and yes you are marbles.
Nobody likes the fat kid, bless him. I hope someone comes along and steals him soon. When I was a young teen, my friend and I use to go into the local supermarket with empty carrier bags and walk out with them brimming full of goodies. We'd sell them dirt cheap(or exchange them for ciggies) to the poor kids on the council estates, we were like a modern day Robin Hood and Maid Marion.
Poor Bobby he looks like a Thalidomide victim.
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