Thursday, December 11, 2008


I get the chest crest colored in 2 weeks. There are two open spaces above the crest that need to be filled on either side of my neck. It is imperative that I have pre-paid artists working day and night on them right now so that the images may be applied early in the New Year. One side: Griffin with an inverted St.Michael spear. Other side: Lion with fish for a lower body holding an inverted trident. Some of the animals have dots, diamonds or little stars on them which I sort of liked. Really snotty animals. I promise never to look like the pic below. With all due respect to people who do this, never never never.


Mitzi said...

I hope you keep your promise as you have such a lovely face, it'll be a crying shame/laughing stock if you ended up looking like chequer man.

ayeM8y said...

Oh thank God I was beginning to worry! However it did lead me to an interesting conclusion. Why waste my time on invasive cosmetic surgery and face lifts when I could theoretically just have a new face tattooed on. So simplistic and less expensive.

Reavis Eitel said...

thanks and thanks (i think). no I am never nor do i hve a desire to become lizard man or checkered man lol. It's funny you should say so though because the one thing keeping me from neck tattoos is the neck lift i'll get in 7 years.