Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This is apparently a bank. Someone sent it to me and I didn't get it. OH right, BareBack and T (crystal meth). The skull head queen on the right does look like he's a few degrees away from meth mouth, but not everyone can brush floss and listerine 2x + a day like me. I'm so chaste and undrugged that I was really very pleased with myself that I didn't get the BB&T reference - a new advent in my no longer having tina on the brain! I DO want to use it as my manhunt profile pic, but you know they won't let me.


Mitzi said...

Why won't they let you use it? The killjoys!

Reavis Eitel said...

Cause manhunt is a disgusting company: one of CEO's resigned during our presidential campaign because he made a minimum donation to the republican party. The site is heavily monitored by the police for crystal meth use and sales and they won't let you put any picture that isn't of yourself nor will they allow you to say anything political esp anti republican. I wanted my heading to say liberal elite and they wouldn't allow that. To me being gay in this era is synonymous with politics so they make me sick hate manhunt.