No, these two images are not the same person. They both have a 7 pm show, Chris Matthews (top) on MSNBC and Lou Dobbs (bottom) on CNN. I watch political news almost every single day and 7 pm is a time that I really want to tune in, but both the two channels which I watch the most are clogged up with these two boobs at the same time. I dislike Chris Matthews more with his balking slice of Velveeta head, but Lou Dobbs definitely appears to be barely able to crank out a full hour of news. I think that they keep him on because he appeals to the mediocrity of a different generation and hey, he already has a show.
You into silver foxes Reavis?
The FCM! Oh you and Bunion should mc something it would be so screwed up!
The ONLY silver FOX is Anderson Cooper! I wish my gray did that.
I hate CNN and refuse to watch it anymore since the Katrina disaster that lasted for days and days and days. They have gotten to the point that they run a single item into sensationalism. Nancy Grace and the Tot Mom day 987 ring a bell? I now watch the Today show and the evening news and that’s it that’s all I get. I could easily become addicted to watching the news. With that said I love a silver fox and I’m rapidly becoming silver myself. Everyday I become more and more silver and my beard is completely silver. I should probably stop taking Centrum Silver vitamins!
I just love rachel maddow she's so dykey and such a wise ass. Keith O. is good for a dose of intese reality check sometimes.
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