I'll make it brief becuase I can't dwell on this. I had an open circle on my back. I wanted a shiva trident in it with smoke trailing from it in homage to Shiva & to commemorate my dead dog who was destroyed and cremated and whose name was Lulu, which the trident sort of looks like. I went day before yesterday to a great trustworthy artist - I don't know what the hell happened. An autistic kid could have done a better drawing on a hayride. Scandalously awful. He filled it in all black yesterday for free at my request. The same area tattooed 2 days in a row and solid black. Ouch for me the day after tomorrow.

I'm actually glad. I don't know that I want god images on me. As religions are increasing violent (even the Hindus, alas) I'm relating more to the Atheists and Buddhists. The black circle is nothingness or the void. It's also sort of a rotten giant black dot on my back.
Damn....you have a lot of work on you! I think the circle is going to look great. The idea of a Lulu homage is sweet- I understand (I had a Luna).
It just looks like part of the design. Doesn't look like a botch job. Religious symbols are a big turnoff, Reavis. I once met a man (on the internet) who had Christ's face wearing a crown of thorns contorted in agony tattooed onto his chest, very distressing for me to have to look at when I had his cock in my mouth, so I made him wear a T-shirt.
BAH HAHAHAHAHA! That literally really sucks, Mitzi. I agree. I'm finding all these 'gods' to be a form of clinging.
My friend said that Shiva must be pleased because he made people go through some humility and maybe thats why it happened (NO, the artist screwed it up), but if that's the case shine on cause the ordeal sucked guru t*rd.
Aw, little Luna!!! I keep looking around for the pitter patter without thinking and expecting it's her pushing the doors open with her little nose when they sometimes slowly swing from a draft or something. It's strange I keep catching myself looking and there's nothing there.
wow...that seriously is one of the best tattoos I've ever seen. Beautiful!
(the black circle notwithstanding...though I like your take on it :)
In Chinese mythology the dragon and phoenix chase the pearl of wisdom, which is represented as a flaming sphere.... your's is a nihilist, mysterious pearl, in keeping with the buddhist belief that all human wisdom is an illusion.
There is going to be a lot of men staring at a black dot....
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