30kg could be used as a novelty paper weight for an executive. 55kg would make a lovely novelty paper napkin dispenser in a restaurant. 65kg would make an ideal standard lamp. 75kg as a pet bed for an alsation 155kg could hire himself out as a bouncy castle for little kids to jump on.
See now I would so enjoy having a conversation with a little dwarf while I was lifting him or her into the air for exercise. Then have a few rounds punching the tall skinny boy and have the fat one yell at me on the treadmill. The homely gal would be inspiration to try and attract good looking men. All in all it’s a vast improvement over your last work out space the basement, that place made my toenails turn green just looking at the pictures.
Oh my i never thought of that the midgets could be my little nuts imaginary friends I talk to while lifting! I haven't tried this human weights thing, I actually don't think they are in nyc. I'd love to see the expanded staff when the business grows. I'll try and keep everyone posted maybe they have a newsletter...
That would make lifting weights more enjoyable. thought I'd be tempted to bring them down with a thud!
I love the first pic with the jewfro guy pointing all like 'eerg!'!
There must be a safety mechanism 2 many people would be tempted.
30kg could be used as a novelty paper weight for an executive.
55kg would make a lovely novelty paper napkin dispenser in a restaurant.
65kg would make an ideal standard lamp.
75kg as a pet bed for an alsation
155kg could hire himself out as a bouncy castle for little kids to jump on.
It's all about recycling!
I think were picked to look like what you don't want to look like, except the midgets which are probably just lighter and always a good pr ploy.
See now I would so enjoy having a conversation with a little dwarf while I was lifting him or her into the air for exercise. Then have a few rounds punching the tall skinny boy and have the fat one yell at me on the treadmill. The homely gal would be inspiration to try and attract good looking men. All in all it’s a vast improvement over your last work out space the basement, that place made my toenails turn green just looking at the pictures.
Oh my i never thought of that the midgets could be my little nuts imaginary friends I talk to while lifting! I haven't tried this human weights thing, I actually don't think they are in nyc. I'd love to see the expanded staff when the business grows. I'll try and keep everyone posted maybe they have a newsletter...
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