I'm sorry Sebastian Junior, but we all wanted to physically injure your unnaturally boyish wind up toy on acid persona back in the club days. That being admitted, Sebastion has always been profoundly talented and from reading his Facebook status updates lately as well as his three detailed and very well written blogs he is certaily not just bright but a very brilliant man (albeit forever a boy).
Check out his other two blogs: http://sebastianjunior.wordpress.com/
I had my sweet 16 at a club called Red Zone in the west 50's at Sebastion Junior's "Avante Garden" party. I was so young and impressionable at the time that when I heard all these club kids coming to the door of the discos clamoring that they were "clebrities" as everyone made way for them, I actually believed they were. Little did I know.
I'll complete the circle jerk of blog comments on blog posts about me, myself and I. But if it makes you feel better, I remember being dazzled by James St. James at his birthday party at Red Zone. I was particularly impressed by the fact that he kept changing his outfits all night. I was not familiar with the concept of fake fame, so I just assumed his entourage were all rich and famous... Perception is reality!
Me and Fuschia Doll put 3 hits of LSD in Rob Leach's drink in the VIP room after he called her a tramp and it soaked in and he drank the whole thing. I'm sure the statute of limitations has expired on that one and it's hearsay anyway - come and get me Robin!
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